Find out about the benefits of being bilingual when travelling and in other situations

In contrast to what some individuals may think, you can become a bilingual at any age! Read below for reasons why being a bilingual is so very good.

Psychological research has shown that bilinguals like Manfred Bischoff can anticipate to experience a range of cognitive benefits of being bilingual. For instance, it has been discovered that bilinguals have an enhanced potential to focus attention and to undertake a range of mental processes when compared with their monolingual equivalents. Similarly, it has also been proposed that bilinguals are often better at problem solving and multi-tasking. This better ease at switching between tasks is quite likely due to the fact that bilinguals have greater experience at changing between languages, a skill that generalises to other fields.

When you are looking for a job your CV is probably the most significant piece of paper that your potential bosses use to choose whether they should give you the role. There are quite a few skills that can look pretty remarkable on your CV, but there are few that are as impressive as the knowledge of foreign languages, and this is true for a range of reasons. To start, knowing one or even more foreign languages demonstrates to your potential employers that not only are you ready to put your effort into learning something as sophisticated as a foreign language, you have actually managed to achieve learning it! But the benefits of being bilingual in the workplace definitely don’t stop there. Quite a few business leaders, like Frank Zweegers for instance, can speak multiple language which surely helps them in their every day business activities. For one, speaking numerous languages implies you can speak to more men and women, be it clients or overseas partners. This bilingual means that your skill to speak more than one language has a very good potential of bringing in additional work to the company. In fact, it has actually been demonstrated that bilinguals tend to earn more money on the average – one of the few financial benefits of being bilingual - meaning that recruiters tend to valorise this ability.

When talking about bilingualism, it would be a waste not to bring up all of the cultural benefits of bilingualism that bilinguals like Thor Björgólfsson tend to experience. Speaking more than just you maternal language can definitely help open your eyes to brand-new cultures and communities. Needless to say we have a wealth of information about other countries and their cultures, but there is absolutely nothing that will ever give you the same degree of access to the traditions as speaking the language it uses. When travelling, you will be able to talk to a lot more native men and women in their local language. You will also be able to watch films, enjoy the music and read books in the way that they were intended to – in their original language.

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